Welcome To A Surrendered Life

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Years ago, when I was battling my life, battling myself and battling my circumstances, I knew I needed to find a better way to live. What ended up happening through a series of unpredictable events was that a better way to live ended up finding me.

It was called Surrender.

When this all unfolded (in what seemed like an instant), I had an unshakable knowing that there is something within us that is all loving, all knowing, course correcting and just plain miraculous.

Since that time, I’ve been sharing the tenants of living a surrendered life. And this isn’t easy in a New Age world that’s gone crazy with the Law of Attraction.

While we are ALL creators and can manifest anything we like, yet, what I am suggesting is quite different.

I’m suggesting that we map the blueprint of our Soul desires. Rather than jump from one ego-based desire to another (which has no depth or staying power) I’m offering a new way to work with the Law of Attraction. It’s called surrendering to the blueprint of our Souls. This, my friends, is where the rubber hits the road.

This is the offering; to take a deep dive into the limitless, infinite part of you. To find out where it wants to take you. These are your true desires. There will never be a substitute for the desires of the Soul. Anything else is simply filler.

At Soulful Surrender, I’m offering one on one sessions to help you clear away the clutter and get to the heart of YOU. These sessions are intuitively guided and deeply transformative.

I will also be offering free meditations and guided journeys to help you to come home to your blueprint.

And most exciting are our online courses that will launch in the New Year called Surrendering To The Soul’s Destiny and Women, Food & Spirit: A 4 Week Masterclass on Intuitive Eating, Forgiveness and Unleashing The Divine Feminine. Both of these online courses run for four weeks and include four live webinars with yours truly, guided meditations, consciousness writing exercises and more.

I’m entirely dedicated to helping this beautiful planet and its beautiful inhabitants see what has been there all along. That quiet, abiding, wise, loving presence within all beings; all things.

It’s just a matter of pulling back a little bit, getting quiet and listening to that gentle voice within. This is when we step in. This is when we become what we’ve truly desired all along.

Welcome to the journey!


The New Law of Attraction