The End of Healing

For a very long time, those of us on a healing path go after our sore spots with great gusto. In fact, it becomes a kind of game, does it not?

Will Internal Family Systems (IFS) be the thing that finally heals me? Should I visit a Medium? How about Energy Healing?

I’m not at all poking fun at any of these modalities. I was an energy healer for many, many years and I know from the feedback I received from clients over the years that it helped a lot of people.

I, myself, frequented Shamans, healers, psychics, readings…you name it. AND IT HELPED.

I am not here to cat call the healing community in all of its diverse and incredible offerings.

I am speaking to the one who is now sitting in this nebulous new space that doesn’t quite fit into this mold anymore. I’m speaking to the one who is questioning if they will ever be done…cooked…a fully healed human being.

It begins to dawn that the very meaning or existence of being human IS to be flawed. It is to be subject to birth, growth, decay and death. And if that was the beginning and end of the story, it would be a fairly depressing one.

But of course, this is not the whole enchilada.

At the epicentre of every human story is a Soul. The Soul being the very energy that animates the human. The Soul is silent; observing; allowing; loving.

And if we’re going to embrace this notion of ‘loving’ we might as well define what that really means.

To Love is really to Accept. Love, in its unconditional expression is one of full embrace as something IS, rather than how we think it should be. We don’t love someone’s or our own potential, we love what is appearing now.

If this kind of love (and let’s face it, this is the ONLY kind of love in its truest form) is to be fully experienced, then there needs to be a giant reframe on what it means to be human.

And this is where the greatest of all paradoxes comes into play. You may need to read this next statement twice.

To fully and completely ACCEPT, without agenda of any kind - accept with the notion that it may ‘be this way’ for the rest of your life - that what is here is what is here - is literally what flings the door open to true transcendence.

Put plainly…it is the wholehearted ACCEPTANCE and EMBRACE of something that transcends that something.

Of course, the ego reads this as…”Okay, if I accept it THEN it will change…got it! This is how I change it!”

Ummm, no.

There’s the agenda sneaking in the back door. And of course, where there is an agenda, there will be an attempt to heal.

This is not wrong.

It’s simple the rules within this dimension of consciousness.

We could even say that within this dimension, this is right.

I’m speaking to the one, here, who is questioning the never-ending quest to fix, heal and make oneself better.

I’m speaking to that inner and emergent sense within, that the resistance itself is getting old; that the resistance itself is what is most painful.

This, right here, is the beginning of a new chapter. It is the dawning of a new, intuitive understanding that all is well, no matter what. That nothing has gone wrong, that no ball has been dropped.

This is where our shoulders drop, our jaw unclenches, our belly relaxes and a deep, primal exhale is felt in all the cells of the body.

This is the end of the fight.

And from this space, a new journey begins.


The End of the Separate Self


Intuitive Eating For Body-Mind Wellbeing