Your Soul Agreement
“Meister Eckhart said there is an immense silence which beckons us into itself. At first, we think it is we who approach this silence; in reality, it is the silence that draws us into itself.”
You arrived here with a blueprint. This blueprint is like a map for the Soul. It is its North Star in which it is always orienting; navigating.
You may have noticed by now that your life seems to have been built around certain themes. While the experiences, people and circumstances may have changed throughout your life, your inner experience has continued to tap the same kinds of feelings, emotions and motivations.
Our soul’s blueprints play hide and seek with us throughout our lives, but they are never more revealing than when we’re challenged. This is when they are actively calling out to us saying, come and look underneath this experience…come closer and see what is trying to be expressed.
To uncover your own blueprint is to look at what dogs you; what keeps you up at night; what trips you up in your relationships; what just won’t leave you alone.
And then we take a deep breath and go even deeper.
When we dare to go deeper, what we find is old patterning that has gotten stuck in the energetic system. And if we look at the thousands year old chakra system which originated in India, we will uncover a fascinating blueprint in which our Soul’s unfolding is linked.
For example, the heart chakra and its associated organs (lungs, heart, breasts, lymphatic system) is linked to unconditional love, both for oneself and others. It is the seat of deep and profound truths that cannot be spoken in words. It is also the bridge - the midpoint - between the upper 3 chakras and the lower 3 chakras; meaning, it is the bridge between our physical and non-physical (or spiritual) worlds.
When the heart chakra is blocked, it can result in physical heart issues, lung issues (like asthma, chronic bronchitis, addiction to cigarettes), and breast issues.
When we notice a physical stagnation, pain or heaviness in any area of the body, we can ask ourselves, what has gotten stuck? What wants to express itself?
But be warned. This is the point where the mind will want to bring in a story. And there will be stories…lots of them. There is nothing wrong with the story but if that is where we leave our focus, we will not go beyond our own narrative.
It is the stuck energy in our system or body that is blocking the flow of life-force energy.
This energy is often old, child-like, fearful, ashamed; and our holding it down…holding it in, only serves to reinforce this fear and shame.
Energy, by definition, wants to move. When it gets blocked, it blocks all other energy around it.
Our essential energy, known by many names such as Chi, Prana, Shakti or Kundalini wants to move, unimpeded, throughout our body-mind system. When even one part of this system is gummed up, this essential energy will find a way to move around it, all the while, bumping up against what is stuck.
This energy is beyond powerful…it is literally what powers the Universe. When our Chi bumps up against blocked energy it will hurt like hell until we let it go. It is not so much what is blocked that hurts, it is the constriction itself that hurts.
Think of a stream with rocks damming up its flow. The water will find any way possible to move around the rocks…this is its essential nature. It flows. And if the water gathers enough momentum, it will ultimately dislodge any rocks in its way in order to flow, unimpeded, once again.
To dislodge old, stuck energy is so simple we often miss it.
Think of what got the energy stuck in the first place…resistance.
Something came up in our experience that didn’t feel good and in an attempt to not fully feel or experience it, we gripped it and shoved it down. As we turned away in fear, disgust, embarrassment, or whatever we felt in the face of the discomfort, we unconsciously bared down on it.
It’s not so much the story itself, but the stuck energy that simply wants to be released from any gripping and allowed to move. So how do we do that?
When the old story comes to life or the challenge is felt, we simply RELAX.
If possible, we go and lie down and relax our entire body. We feel into where we are most tense and put our attention in that space. And we BREATHE. We breathe deeply and we continue to actively relax.
We’re not trying to put our attention on any thought or feeling. The key here is, we stop trying. We go into deep, deep surrender.
If this energy is very intense, our bodies might shake, we might cry, yell or move around in strange ways. Fantastic! This is the body unwinding very old, stuck energy.
We resist nothing.
And we stay. We stay until the unwinding is complete for the moment.
We might have to revisit this process a few times. But we keep going back to this RELAX and RELEASE until the energy has unwound itself.
So what does this have to do with your Soul Agreement?
This is the Soul Agreement.
To tap what is no longer serving us so that, when freed from our own bondage, we can go out and serve.
How you serve is not actually up to your mind. It is a calling from deep within the Soul that has been set free.
“You do not find your Soul’s Agreement. When enough of you has surrendered, it will come for you.”
Decide today that you will no longer hold yourself in bondage to an old story; to a kink in the system. Decide that you will release what binds you so that you are free to serve a sorely misguided and hurting world.
We need you more than ever and it is time, don’t you think, to set yourself free.