Exiting The Matrix (To Re-Inhabit The Soul)
The Matrix is better known as the Collective Unconscious. In current times, the Matrix is undergoing a massive shift. What used to be hidden is now being revealed.
It is being revealed as democratic governments around the world that are turning out to be not-so democratic.
It is being revealed that profits most definitely take precedence over people. In fact, if it turns out that being profitable also happens to hurt people, well then, so be it.
In a nutshell, the Matrix is a place where energy has been cut off (or substantially diminished) from its Source.
There is only one Source of ALL life in the manifest Universe, and we know that this Source is Conscious and Intelligent. We also know that when something returns to its Source, we say that it has awakened.
It is once again, aware…alive…in love.
Many of us feelers, healers and empaths have felt this incredible shift that has been astrologically marked as the movement from The Age of Pisces to The Age of Aquarius.
The Age of Pisces ushered in a recognition of the Soul. It revealed to us that we are not just mere mortals, that we are, at the heart of it all, infinite souls playing on the playground of humanity.
With the birth of Jesus Christ during this pivotal age, we adopted ideas of human transcendence, a higher power and we developed heart-centred practices of love, empathy, forgiveness and innocence.
And while this new consciousness seeded itself on this planet, we also embodied an attempt to escape our own infinite natures. This was the darker side of Pisces.
Addiction, guilt, intolerance and greed were also sewn into the collective.
Now, as we move deeper into The Age of Aquarius, we’re swirling around ideas of collective and humanitarian ideals, freedom, innovation and progress.
The Matrix, in essence, is not a group of people but rather a collective unconscious. It believes in competition, control, scarcity and separation. It is still, despite the unraveling of the old age, clinging to a sense of aloneness; of being cut off from its Source.
Of course, when we feel cut off from our Source, we are starving; lost in the woods. And if that means trampling a few feet (or entire groups of people) to get where you feel you need to go in order to be - safe, secure, in control, on top, better then, wealthy, ok, happy - then so be it. After all, it’s just you against the world.
But this is a false world and these are false idols.
This world could only exist within a scared mind; one that had imagined that it had been cast adrift from the tribe.
This is the Matrix.
As long as we play in the Matrix…read its newspapers, watch its videos, engage in its conversations, believe in its tenets, subscribe to its scare tactics, play its games…we will, ourselves, feel cast adrift.
There is another way.
We can energetically walk out.
This is not to say that we flip the bird at the collective unconscious. In doing so, we’re still playing on its playground.
We recognize that, ironically, this collective unconscious is here precisely to wake us up. It’s just that at some point, it no longer gives us the same thrill that it used to.
The same conversations that initiate outrage and drama just don’t do it for us anymore.
There is also a loneliness in staying somewhere that we’ve outgrown. There will be an increasing unease, perhaps even dis-ease, at remaining somewhere that no longer resonates.
As Conscious Awareness, you will be pulled to a calmer, deeper, more loving life. And the old drama will simply not pull at your strings anymore.
An ego entity would tell you that you must remain in the Matrix to fight or improve or be heard within the chaos. Not true.
As Buckminster Fuller said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
As we move from one reality to the next there will be inevitable pitfalls. We call this in-between state the Liminal Space.
No longer rooted in the old but not fully seeded in the new.
But this is a wonderfully exciting space to occupy!
Here, you are only being asked one thing: To surrender.
Surrender to this suspension.
It is within this suspension that our energy body begins to let go of old, outdated patterns. As we pull out of The Matrix (meaning, we no longer give it our attention or response), old trauma, defensive tactics, belief systems and internalized conflicts will bubble up and at times, they will feel heavy as hell.
But they have bubbled to the surface because as we step out of the old, they no longer have the structures around them to keep them in place. We are no longer living in a world in which they remain activated.
One of the best means by which I know to heal what is asking to be healed is through a Source to Source energy healing system called The Rising Star Healing Modality.
I have been practicing this form of energetic healing for 18 years. It is the most powerful tool that I have in my toolkit and the one that I use when I’m most stuck.
I have seen nothing short of miracles when it is given over the recommended 3 sessions.
What I love most about this healing is that both the receiver and the practitioner step out of the way, completely. What arises from these healing sessions are often surprising and even miraculous.
I recently worked with a client and during her third Rising Star Healing, I noticed that she was receiving a deep, physical healing. As I am seer, meaning, I see energy patterns in the body-mind, I watched as she was worked on in an almost surgical manner.
A couple of weeks after her last session, she contacted me to let me know that the shingles virus she had been living with for quite some time had healed. She had also been incontinent and that had reversed almost immediately. She also reported that she had received blood work showing that her thyroid issues (which she hadn’t been treated for) had resolved.
What I loved about this was that it was a reminder that Divine Energy is Intelligent and knows what to do, where to go and how to do it.
I have been guided, very clearly, most recently to begin to exclusively offer Rising Star Healing Sessions.
I know that so many of us currently sit in this Liminal Space; this in-between worlds.
If you feel called to experience this profound Source to Source healing, I would love to hear from you.
Until then…if you are reading this, you are one of the Souls entering a new reality. You are not alone on this journey. You are witnessed and you are loved…so, so much.