“There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.”
Your soul has a blueprint that continuously calls out to you. It calls you in dreams, in gut feelings, in intuition, through the songs in your car, the 'random' conversations with strangers, through the knowing in your heart.
All the great Masters of our time have pointed to one thing as the ultimate step into higher consciousness: Surrender. We have two choices in any given life. We can resist what is or we can surrender to the conscious unfolding of our lives. We can see our lives as problems that we need to solve or we can embrace the knowing that everything is here FOR us. We can claw our way to the insatiable goals of the ego or we can surrender to the desires of the Soul. It’s always a choice.
One choice offers a life of pain, resistance, confusion and fight. The other one offers a life of awe, alignment, acceptance and freedom.
"Ideas materialize not because you attract them, but because you notice them already inside your field and invest attention in them until they become real to your body and normal." Penney Peirce, Frequency
In this evening workshop we uncover:
How to access your soul’s unique frequency
The ancestral & karmic ‘conditioning’ that hold you back
What it means to Surrender to the Blueprint rather than try to create from the mind
How ALL healing and manifestation come from ONE place within you
We will also embark on a powerful group meditation to ‘go in’ and meet your Soul’s Blueprint.
You will emerge from this evening having created a new relationship with yourself that is aligned with your Soul and it’s blueprint. You will experience what it means to begin living in a sacred and authentic way.