Best Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies | Grain-Free and Refined Sugar Free


I eat to heal; every single day. I’ve done this for years partly because I have no choice and partly because I want to inhabit a body that is well-oiled, fluid and vibrant. However, I am also human and some days you just need a cookie.

Every day I wake up and ask my body what it wants to eat. I’ve been doing this for a while now. I left behind the robotics of ‘breakfast foods for breakfast’ and ‘dinner foods for dinner’ a long time ago.

The interesting thing about going through our day mindfully and presently as opposed to habitually and robotically, is that we will inevitably shift our self-care into a much more holistic and authentic space.

This is crucial because we’re lambasted day in and day out as to how we should self-care, eat, behave and even think, from well-meaning health and spiritual advocates. And yet there is no one outside of you that knows what you need more than you. Becoming your own health authority is absolutely crucial for healing and vibrancy.

As this body of mine began experiencing a mild Crohn’s flare just before the New Year, I knew that I needed to pay attention to what my body was trying to tell me.

We’ve all been cooped up at home for months now and as we’ve witnessed boredom, frustration and fear creep into our daily lives, we’ve turned to old habits of unhealthy eating and living.

We’ve seen through media reports that substance abuse has risen, obesity is rising rapidly and our prolific use of tech (or its use of us) has exploded over the last year. This unprecedented time that we’re in has hit all of us very hard.

But if we look just under the covers of what appears to be unfolding on the surface of things, there is a bigger and more emergent picture of change that is happening on this planet. Some of the angst that we’re all feeling is simply the falling away of what has not been working for a very, very long time.

This falling away is unfolding on both a personal and a collective level. We’re seeing relationships end that are no longer serving the highest love. We’re seeing Big Industry attempt its last push to control the global narrative. And we’re feeling, in the deepest core of our Being, that it is simply time to step into a deep, authentic relationship with the truth.

The truth, of course, will manifest in different ways for different people because as each of us is an individuated point of Light on this planet, we have each come here at this time for varying reasons.

Yet I can only speak to my own journey.

It is one where I have been privileged to heal a long-standing, ancestral dis-ease that has permeated the women in my family. On the outside, this disease is referred to as Crohn’s Disease. On a vibrational level, there is much more to this story.

Every dis-ease pattern manifest on this planet has roots in very particular frequencies. Heart disease has patterns that show up as putting work before joy and closing down the feeling centre. Breast cancer has its roots in self-nourishment and making peace with the feminine aspect.

Crohn’s Disease and most other autoimmune diseases that show up in the gut (like Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis, IBS, IBD) are asking us to trust ourselves, trust Life and to LET GO. It is a disease of surrender. It asks us to Surrender to the most intimate parts of us; to not see them as bad or shameful, but to turn towards them with love and acceptance.

This is where I sit these days.

I remind myself that nothing is outside of the Wholeness of Consciousness; that everything that we’ve deemed not good enough, damaged, guilty, shameful, unhealed, messy, broken or unacceptable, was chosen by us.

We do not come here to eradicate some parts while keeping others. We come here to embrace, love and accept ALL parts. That is true healing.

It is not arm wrestling our messy parts into submission or making them better. It is embracing all parts with equal amounts of love.

In a world full of mysterious paradoxes, this is the elixir that heals; the embrace of ALL that we are.

So I don’t look at my body that is currently struggling and try to figure out where I’ve gone wrong this time. That’s so 1998.

Instead, I look at this body of mine that has been through the ringer in many ways in this lifetime and I ask it what it most needs. It’s very simple. There are no deep codes to crack. And for me, a substantial part of this is what I eat.

When I started eating a paleo diet to help heal my body, the pickings were slim for treats. I found a few recipes that were, um, tolerable. But I didn’t want tolerable, I wanted YUM!

After finding some decent chocolate chip cookie recipes, I decided recently to try to come up with my own version that didn’t taste like sawdust.

These are those cookies. For realsies….

They are soft and chewy with great texture and even my husband and daughter, who do not eat a Paleo diet, absolutely love them.

I hope you enjoy them too.



Dry Ingredients

1 ½ cups almond flour

2 tbsp tapioca flour

½ tsp salt

½ tsp baking soda

Wet Ingredients

¼ cup melted butter

1 egg at room temperature

¼ cup almond butter

½ tsp vanilla

½ cup coconut sugar

Enjoy Life dairy-free chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix dry ingredients together in a medium-sized bowl. Put wet ingredients in an electric mixer and mix until combined. With the mixer still on, slowly add the dry ingredients to combine. Add ½ cup of chocolate chips to the batter and mix by hand.

Chill the dough for 30 minutes before putting it in the oven.

Bake for 12 – 14 minutes, but do not overbake.


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