I’m deeply passionate about simple, slow living, deeply nourishing food, and tapping the soul’s potential for full expression. I’m a wife and Mama and an intuitive spiritual healer and holistic nutritionist. I love cooking delicious, nourishing food for the sensitive tummy and really, the sensitive soul. But mostly, I love helping others’ to rediscover what they’ve been searching for - whether they know it or not - their whole lives. To the remember that they (we) are not flawed, have never made a wrong turn, and are not in need of fixing. The only missing ingredient is the one we all want more than anything else: Unconditional Love. Fixing what was never broken in the first place is mighty painful. Loving what is, is freedom. Let’s step in…


There is a fire burning inside of you. This is no ordinary fire. It’s the fire of your Soul, your Voice, your Blueprint. When we turn away from this fire, it can burn us from the inside. When we turn towards it, we ignite the Soul and finally, we’re free.

Hi Ann! Thank you SO much for the wonderful help you gave me yesterday; the healing you provided and enabled. I feel much, much better and am so much more able to continue forward. Such a powerful healing! I feel so comfortable in my own skin today! I will keep in touch and look forward to seeing you again. May you continue to enjoy good health and happiness.

Video Blog of the Week

Healing the collective & individual sacral chakra

For the latest glimpse of what is coming through and being channeled…

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For more information on course offerings and services, please do not hesitate to contact me!