Who Do You Want To Be In 2022?
It's been a minute since I've reached out. Like so many of you, I have moved in and out of so many mixed emotions over the past couple of years.
I have been relatively quiet on a more public front because I know that words carry responsibility and I have so wanted to be careful and, perhaps more than anything, honest in my own deliverance.
Really, I've gone deep into my own existential crisis and just seem to be coming out the other end; a little battered and bruised and, hopefully, a little wiser for it.
Here is what is emerging as clarity begins to seep back into my veins.
At the heart of this emergent clarity has been one question that just won't go away...
What is my role in all of this?
I have come to believe that this is the single most pertinent and perhaps, important question that any one of us can ask.
In fact, it appears to be the central and dominant question of each given life.
I know that when I regularly engage in a media gone mad - that is to say, a media that no longer reports the facts, but rather, insists on its particular ideology - I lose the plot of my own raison d'être.
I get pulled into the various ideologies that seem to speak to my particular bent.
And we all have a proclivity or bent towards something. That is part and parcel of being human.
But I keep coming back to this: I do not need anyone to agree with my bent, nor do I need to advertise what my bent is.
And furthermore, my bent is not the same thing as my dharma.
So, just what is our dharma?
Dharma points to the very reason why you've come here at this time. It is the particular flavour of Light your Soul agreed to shine as an apparent Human Being.
It is who you are (or at least where you have evolved to) at the very Heart of your Being.
Now, while all of us have been stuck at home and entranced by our little handheld devices that serve only to distract us from our dharma, it has been a tough ask for those of us on a Conscious Path to uphold our own illumination.
But the Universe is a patient Mother. She will wait for lifetimes until we meet the call.
But the call has gotten louder, has it not?
I have been pushed to my very edge these past few years to get good and honest with myself and others.
It is a colossal responsibility that will keep pulling us back to its alter again and again.
And for each of us, we'll have no choice but to turn off the world for a while (cue the earthly invitation that began in 2020) and to go and sit at this alter.
This alter, of course, exists for all of us inside our own hearts.
Our minds will tell us that we need to follow its instructions and ideas of 'safety,' and yet somewhere inside of us, we know that our minds can never give us the answers or the Divine Instructions with which we arrived on this planet.
And besides, the Soul does not incarnate here to play it safe.
Only in the quietude and low-key whispers of our own inner sanctuary can we know why we've come here.
For me, I have come here to remind myself and others of this very nature; of our inherent Divinity.
I have come here to remind you that you have never been alone on this journey, could never act as a solo artist, and that you have not been abandoned by Life.
I have come here to tell you that you have never, ever made a wrong move, that that's not even possible because you were never at the wheel in the first place.
The Remembering is: The You who you thought you were, never actually existed. The one that stomped her feet when she didn't get her way and the one who thought he needed defending when it seemed as if his safety was at risk, was never actually here.
You are so much bigger than what you have believed to be your apparent separate, individual self.
You, my dear, ARE LIFE ITSELF.
You are an emanation...a beam of Light of the One Central Sun.
You are God in drag.
And God has this. Whatever name you need to call it, you are simply that which permeates all things and you've, in fact, never left home.
Let's continue to dance together as if we were One. Because we are.
Here is to you, finding your Dharma in 2022. Go in, get quiet, ask to be shown why you came here at this time and then expect miracles.
In deep love, peace and stillness,
Ann xx