True Healing and Transformation
Make no mistake; there is immense change in the air on this planet. I know you feel it too.
While things have never felt more chaotic, it also feels pregnant with opportunity to shift gears into a much higher state of consciousness. And that, of course, means that we have an incredible invitation waiting for each of us to RSVP.
We know that the Whole can only be as healthy as the sum of its parts; meaning that if we want to see healing and transformation in this world, then the only space that can alchemize this shift is within each of us.
My own awareness of how genuine healing and transformation take place has shifted deeply in recent times. It cannot be the mind that directs this healing because it is the very thing that almost always requires the shift. And the body, itself, cannot heal on its own level because it is the effect, not the cause.
Our body-minds are the result of innocence gone sideways, and can therefore not be worked with to achieve a transformative shift.
So if it is not our minds and it is not our bodies that can either initiate a transformation or be the template from which a transformation springs forth, then where do we go?
We go to the one space within that has remained Itself…its original, unconditioned innocence…and we sit with this One as this One.
It is, after all, who and what we have always been and what we will always be. Before we were born and after we die, this is what we are.
The mind, of course, will want to locate this space. Since the mind wheels and deals in time and space, it will need someplace to go in order to access this unconditioned space.
So we indulge where we can.
The easiest space that I know of to access this unconditioned awareness is in the heart centre, otherwise known as the Heart Chakra.
It is here in this heart space that we can ‘drop in’ and sit with the Silent One that has lovingly witnessed and watched your unfolding, your losses, your tantrums, your defensiveness, your life-long mood swings, without so much as a tsk, tsk, tsk…
And it has done so your whole life…throughout ALL of your lives.
It is WHO YOU ARE at your most unconditioned, unfettered level.
It is here and only here that an invitation, if there is one, exists for healing and transformation.
You’ll know it immediately because it will feel something like the unavoidable truth to you; or as they say in Buddhism, the choiceness choice.
For instance, I woke up this morning and sat in the limitless cradle of my own heart chakra and upon entering that space, knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that I needed (okay, was being strongly ‘invited’) to pull my attention back from the chaos of the world.
As an Air sign, I tend to live in my head; in my thoughts. And I love hearing about the thoughts of other people. I’ve been an ardent reader of the news, a devoted listener to podcasts and a general consumer of realities outside of my own.
As you can imagine (and so many of you will relate to this), when we invite in the opinions, beliefs and, as such, the realities of other people, we can feel like a pinball being whizzed around pinball machine.
Talk about mental whiplash.
Not only has that created a massive, subjective bent within my own psyche (and we’re all bent in one way or another on a human level…and that is unavoidable and okay) but it has dominated my internal living space for a long time now.
No wonder so many of us feel stressed out, exhausted and hopeless.
As I sat in my own Heart Space this morning nothing was revealed to me that wasn’t already there. But in making the time to be quiet (especially first thing in the morning before our ego wakes up) and sitting in the unconditioned space from which my entire existence has sprung forth, I knew.
I knew that I had wandered off.
I knew that I had forgotten who and what I AM at my very core.
I knew that this sanctuary was waiting patiently for me to step back IN.
And so here I am.
Where do you want to be? From what space do you want to move, act, speak, create?
What kind of light do you want to emanate into a sorely hurting world?
I already know the answer, silly.
And so do you.
Your Unconditioned Self xx