The Soul Is Home Base

I had a rather important conversation with my Guides this morning.

Upon the invitation to sit down and chat with them, I was shown that while the world is in chaos at the moment (and who knows, perhaps it always was), there is a space that each of us can go where we are not touched by this chaos.

They told me that it is not only the external world that is in chaos. Our internal realities are also steeped in angst. That’s when they invited me to the one space that we can all go where a different reality exists.

They said that so many are distracted by the news, the turmoil and the collective. To the point, they said, that many people are experiencing profound headaches and migraines.

The pain of being caught up in our own and collective thought is literally making our heads hurt.

So they pointed to a space in which this turmoil does not exist.

They asked me to go to my Crown Chakra and to move just above this space. This would be the space above the top of your head. The invitation was to put my attention in this space and to simply sit and experience what was there.

Amazingly, there was just open, peaceful, limitless space.


This space, they told me, is the land of the Soul. It is where our Soul interfaces with our physical reality.

But so many of us forget that there is an interface and that there is another reality that, when forgotten, life gets very, very heavy.

Of course this reality is where we come from, where we’ll all return and essentially what we ARE, even when we get lost in the woods. The woods, of course, being the external world.

They told me that it is only from this space that peace and ‘right action’ can be spring forth.

Our egos would tell us that they are the ones that will keep us safe. That if only we worry, stress, take in more and more and more information, then somehow, we’ll be on top of things.

But has that ever worked?

Has having more information, more worry or more stress ever actually saved you from yourself? Has this ever actually calmed you down?

We already know the answer to that question.

So we rise above thought. To that space just above the Crown Chakra where there is open, intelligent, unconditionally loving space.

They said that the pain point most people are experiencing right now isn’t the actual state of the world, because the world is never good or bad, it just IS.

It is the prolific distraction with it and, hence, our distraction from our Home Base, that is most painful.

We’ve literally gotten lost in the woods, it would seem.

So we come back to our Home Base; our Souls, everyday.

For some (me included), we might need to visit this space multiple times a day, especially when we feel tugged back into the digital world of mayhem; the news, social media, negative conversations with friends about…fill in the blank.

Many of us walking a spiritual path in which the Soul Agreement was to wake up, we really have no choice at this point, do we?

It’s either keep going out and continue to live a painful reality or to keep going IN and see what your Soul has in store for you.

I would trust the love of my Soul over the madness of this world any day.

How about you?

In love,

Ann xx


Small Acts of Self-Betrayal


The Universe Speaks In Symbols