The Universe Speaks In Symbols
Divine symbols are everywhere.
They speak to us in dreams, billboards, songs on the radio, pages in books that we pick up…
There is only one reason that we receive these symbols from the Universe. They are invitations to return to the space in which you never actually left.
What that means is that as we grow and move throughout these lives of ours, the world will knock us around some. Our psychology is set up so that when the tough gets going, it will chip away at our own self-worth.
We tell ourselves…there must be something wrong with me. And if that’s too painful for some severely traumatized souls then, in their worlds…something must be wrong with you.
Nevertheless, someone will take the blame. And for the vast majority of us, the blame is usually directed inward.
This sense of brokenness or not-enoughness will shape all of our relationships and the way in which we move about this wild world. And all the while, playing softly in the background, will be this whispered sentiment of…you’re really making a mess of this, you know.
It will get to the point where, like a toddler in a tantrum, these beliefs in our own fragmentation will begin to shake the foundations of our lives.
This is usually when the Universe (or at least when we notice) will start speaking to us. And it’s helpful to understand the language of the Universe in such times.
This language is almost always symbolic. Its cryptic codes speak to something within us other than our crazed minds.
When the mind is fearful, it reveals its symptomatic nature. It will loop over and over around scary, foreboding scenarios that serve to remind us how far we’ve strayed from the garden of Eden (yet another symbolic gem infiltrating our humanity).
So the mind is not the one we turn to for sanity.
It’s the one making us nuts in the first place.
The Universe speaks in symbols in order to tug at a much deeper space within us.
At the heart of our Beingness, we know symbols and through the detachment of thought, can decode them through something much deeper and clearer within us.
This, of course, is not an intellectual process. It’s a process that unfolds in a part of us where cognition does not reign.
Pain always speaks of a great error in perception. Clarity comes when we decode that misperception. And the Universe invites us to see this clarity through symbols.
I dreamt last night that a pigeon had gotten into our house. But it wasn’t our house, it was my grandparents old home. The codes in this dream, as I understand them, are asking me to look at an ancestral pattern that exists in my family (hence, the dream taking place in my grandparents old house).
And pigeons, according to Ted Andrews who wrote the brilliant book, Animal Speak, represent family, foundations and coming home. They are, after all, homing birds.
In my heart, I know this is an invitation to sink more deeply into my own self-worth. To know that I am worthy of love and that I belong.
This has been a life-long ‘error in perception’ for me. I have felt like an outsider…an intruder; the one on the outside, peering in through the fogged up windows watching a loving family and wondering why I don’t belong. And this is part of a deeper, ancestral lineage.
But it’s up for me.
I’m being asked to take a deeper dive here. Again.
Cue the frustrated exhale.
So the only place I can go is inside of myself and question these beliefs that have permeated my being; my life. The conditions, in these past couple of years, have been ripe for so many of us to examine this feeling of being kicked out of the tribe.
The tribe says, do as we do, or you need to go.
This sentiment is a tricky opportunist that finds any crack in the armour to sneak in and get in my face.
So, my symbols were the ancestral home of my grandparents and a pigeon.
Simple; beautiful…heartbreakingly clear.
How does the Universe speak to you? How have you convinced yourself that there’s something fundamentally wrong or malfunctioning within your hardware? And can you get brave enough to question these errors in perception so that you can, once again, return to love?
My sincerest prayers for you…for all of us…is that we return to that symbolic garden of eden and remember who and what we’ve always been.
Love, love, love,
Ann xx