The Crucifixion

There comes a time when an invitation arises to respond differently; that to continue to chase your tail like a dog, is seen to be humorous, if not insane.

To continue to try and ‘manage’ ourselves, our afflictions, our traumas, our fears, is the very thing that keeps them locked into place.

The Crucifixion is asking us to Surrender our fight with ‘what is’ and to finally, mercifully, turn back around to what we’ve been running from our entire lives.

After the sheer exhaustion of running from, attempting to heal, fix, coerce, make better, make less, control, hold, push, pull, manipulate, eradicate, annihilate…there comes a moment when a new door opens. The old way loses its lustre.

This entire house of cards is built on one, singular belief; the belief in separation.

This belief in separation creates the entire neuro-drama of what we call our separate, individual lives.

Why would this be a problem? Why is it that seeing ourselves as cut off from the Whole creates so much suffering?

In a “Me” centred world, everything happens because of me. Do you see? It’s my fault…my shortcoming…my guilt…my shame…my karma.

No wonder we run like hell from ourselves. Underneath it all, we believe we’re terrible people.

But the running gets old. It becomes exhausting.

The Crucifixion is the surrender to the resistance itself. It is the fire that we step into to let ourselves BURN.

It is here that we burn with all that we’ve rejected.

It is the end of separation.

To end the rejection (or the attempted ‘management’) of all of those pesky parts of us that hang around like little devils on our shoulders is to step into wholeness.

It is the basis of every longing that has ever been felt.

The truth is, you don’t want to be healed, free of guilt or envy or shame…you long to be WHOLE.

Your longing is to go Home.

We can only see this when we are willing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

At Home, you are Everything. You are not just good. You are bad. And when you wholeheartedly embrace what has been seen as bad, it ceases to be bad.

It is the greatest cosmic joke that has ever been told.

You will only hear this message when you are ready. And there is a brewing readiness on this planet. Never before have so many been faced with their own pyre.

This longing will not go away until you turn to face it. It is the whole ocean welcoming back the wave who thought itself to be lost at sea.

As if that were ever possible.


The Highly Sensitive Soul (In A Crazy World)


The End of the Separate Self