The Highly Sensitive Soul (In A Crazy World)

The Highly Sensitive Soul. The Introvert. The Thinker. The Feeler.

You are porous; everything gets in. You feel it all.

This world is not made for you. You’re from somewhere else; somewhere kinder.

At times, it is too loud here, too violent, too insane.

This is all felt in the depth of your Being.

You turn on the news only to have to look away from the violent images.

The downtrodden…the vulnerable ones of this world keep you up at night. The animals, the children, the planet herself.

You find ways to self-soothe.

The Highly Sensitive Soul (HSS) must take even deeper care. Nutrition is vitally important. Sleep becomes a sacred act of restoration. Being alone, at times, is absolutely imperative. Turning off the news, social media; noise, in general.

As the deepest level, the HSS comes here to transmute energy. That requires feeling it to its fullest degree.

Chaos can only be transformed through the full throttle embrace of the energy of chaos. In other words, when love meets - in this case - chaos, it is transformed.

This is why you and I have come here at this time.

Rather then attempting to figure out which advocacy group is right, wrong, elevated, unconscious, we agreed, on a soul level, to let it ALL pass through us with a level of openness that…let’s face it…scares the shit out of us.

But that is what we’ve agreed to.

We feel and then we restore. Feel and restore. Feel and restore.

And go easy on yourself for God’s sake. These aren’t easy soul contracts.

To come here…to let go of all the side-taking. To toss out the mind’s need for advocacy (after all, how do any of us know how it should be here?). We can only embrace how it is.

To reframe it all, we are the Heart Chakra of this strange world. We are meant to have our hearts broken open by the world. This is where, as Rumi so aptly put it, the light gets in; through the brokenness; through the cracks.

You’re not here to save anyone or be a hero. The heroics are already embedded in your open heart.

You have two options living in these times as a HSS. You can shut down your own heart and, as a result, feel embittered, become addicted (ALL addicts feel too much), get sick or fall apart.

Or, you can walk into the storm and let it take you. You can surrender the fight with the way of things; with your own heart. You can take all of that painful contraction and LET GO. Unclench your fists and FEEL IT. All the way. You can let it pass through without getting stuck.

That’s the secret that no one tells us as shy, sensitive little kids.

When you open to the vast array of energy, it will simply pass through. And when it passes through a highly sensitive soul, it comes out the other side transformed into light.

I realize it’s a tall order.

I’ve been fighting this my whole life.

But the alternative is too dark; too lonely.

To walk into the eye of the storm is to literally bring the sun into the dark night.

You know who you are.

And I know you can do this.

You were born to do this.

And you are not alone.


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