The Dance of Intimacy

“Be softer with you. You are a breathing thing. A memory to someone. A home to a life.”  ~ Nayyirah Waheed

These are exciting times. We are currently living through a mass awakening.

Through this collective awakening, there is an invitation to absolve ourselves of the old stories; of our own stories.

Ironically, this has meant that all of our old stories in recent years have sprung to life and have been relentlessly tapping us on our shoulders. This has not been to remind us to continue fixating on these stories. Nor has it been a call for self-help or to fix anything.

This is an invitation to become intimate with your experience; with Life. To embrace what the Intelligence that we call God or Consciousness has served up.

When we make space for this intimacy, we actually have to move out of the way. We become less of an individual self at the centre of ‘our story.’ Only an individual can uphold an individual story or set of stories.

After all, every story ever written always has a protagonist at its centre; a central character.

It is the story of ME that is so painful. In fact, it is the upholding of these stories that the east refers to as Karma.

Karma can only exist if we give it legs to walk. Karma is quite literally, a story.

Remove the story and the vibration of said karma can no longer uphold itself.

It collapses.

In the removal of the story, we are left with sensation.

Life shows up in bodies and bodies are full of sensation. The invitation is to come into relationship or intimacy with whatever sensation shows up.

Pain, a broken heart, fear, anxiety, helplessness, rage…there is nothing wrong with any of these sensations. They, like you, simply want to be acknowledged; welcomed; accepted.

Contrary to both old and new age doctrines, they are not a problem and do not need fixing.

They just want to dance with you.

Of course, some dance partners are more palatable than others.

However - and here is the mother of all paradoxes - ALL dance partners, once intimately embraced reveal the gold within their nucleus.

Any feeling or sensation FULLY felt is revealed as bliss.

Not because all sensation is blissful; obviously it’s not.

It is the dissolving of the boundaries between an apparent YOU and sensation - whatever that sensation may be - that manifests as bliss.

The old English definition of bliss means to make holy.

To dissolve the boundaries between you and experience is to come into communion with the Divine.

As we move through this awakening, we will realize that the person you have taken yourself to be is not what is awakening.

On the contrary, it is a dissolving of the mind-created distinction between YOU and EXPERIENCE…between YOU and LIFE…between YOU and SENSATION…that ushers in awakening.

So welcome this intimacy. It is what you came here to experience.

Soften. Allow. Surrender.


Movement As A Means To Liberation


The Longing and the Emergence