The Longing and the Emergence

We are just now leaving behind some dark times. Collectively, this world will never again be the same. YOU will never again be the same.

When we leave behind an old, outdated space, before we step into the new space, we will find ourselves in a state of longing.

I know you feel this.

This longing is the passionate signal of something that is emergent. Something new is gestating inside of you yet it is not quite ready for its birth.

But let’s go back to this longing for a minute.

An experience of longing can feel rather uncomfortable for most people because we want to see things in their physical or experiential form.

In plain speak, WE WANT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN NOW!!!

And yet, this longing…this nugget cannot birth itself before its time.

It is like the garden that has seeds planted in the spring. Nothing has emerged to reveal its fruits and yet we know it’s in there and we wait, impatiently, for its big reveal.

This longing is calling out for your attention. This is not an intellectual or cognitive treasure hunt. It’s an intuitive one.

It's asking you to be quiet and to really connect with the energy of this longing.

Ask yourself some questions here: What is it that I long for? More importantly…How do I expect to FEEL when I finally get what I’m longing for?

You don’t actually want to be or have something…you want to FEEL a certain way. The being and the having are a means to a deeper end.

They will always point to a longed for feeling state.

What is that for you?

If you can connect with that, you can trust that the Universe will bring you the perfect experience, job, relationship, healing, etc…that exemplifies that feeling state.

We are not in control of how it all unfolds. But this planet has just shifted gears. And it is asking you to connect with this longing inside of you.

This is the birth place of new, emergent experience. And it is simultaneously the death of the old.

Get out of its way.

Your only job here is to meet the truth of all truths within you. It is RIGHT THERE.


The Dance of Intimacy


Alchemy and the Dark Side of the Moon