
“There is no greater power in heaven or on earth than pure, unconditional love.” - Wayne Dyer

Have you noticed the world is falling apart?

In actuality, the collective Shadow has finally come out of the closet.

Carl Jung originally coined the concept of The Shadow.

The Shadow is a collection of unconscious, repressed parts of ourselves. We relegate to the shadows that which we cannot handle at the time we experience them. If we were abused as a child, for example, we will tuck the residue from that abuse away until we evolve to a place where it can reveal itself to us so that we can integrate it.

What we’re seeing play out on the world screen in this moment is the Shadow that can no longer remain hidden in the closet. It is looking to be integrated…made conscious once again.

The vibration on this planet no longer supports hiding, repression or ignorance. This is why it appears as if the world is falling apart. The well-formed seams have come undone so that it can be reformed, Whole.

You might be feeling this within yourself. What you were once able to dismiss or hide away just keeps on knocking at the door of your Consciousness.

We’ve officially been upleveled.

The old way of arm wrestling our traumas to the ground no longer work. Even our attempt at what you might have called ‘healing’ in the past, no longer works. Anger does not want to be ‘managed’, thank you, it wants to be Whole again.

‘Healing’ puts on new shoes

Healing has officially moved through the birth canal and has emerged into new territory. It looks and feels different.

The Shadow (that which contains what we want to heal) simply yearns to come back into the Light.

In order to understand this, we have to first understand what Light is.

Light refers to what is real; what underlies all phenomenon. Light is Conscious. It is Aware…Awake. It was never born and it never dies.

The most accurate synonym to Light is Love.

When the Shadow meets Love it is instantly transformed back into Light.

The Shadow cannot withstand the loving stare of its benevolent counterpart - Love - without succumbing completely to its totalizing embrace.

The Light will literally consume the Shadow.

When we happen upon this colossal epiphany, we want to know how. How do we engineer this?

We don’t. Sorry.

It is not a doing.

It is a letting go. A surrender.

It is the opposite of trying…trying to achieve any outcome whatsoever.

Remember, this new healing is an unconditional embrace of WHAT IS.

We’ve become so accustomed to trying, doing and asserting that we can’t wrap our heads around anything else, but this is where we find ourselves on this new landscape.

What if you were to take your deepest pain - let’s say it’s shame - and completely relax around this shame; let it be as shameful as it wants to be. Let go of all attempts to do anything with it other than completely accept it…just as it is.

Not in some denial of its existence and not in some rebuttal to it.

It is not a response to shame; it is a surrender to it.

Your deepest longing is to be unconditionally loved, is it not?

So is shame’s.

Shame longs, more than anything else, to be loved unconditionally; to be embraced just as it is.

When something like shame meets unconditional love, how could it possibly remain as shame? It can’t.

Under the gaze of transcendent light, shame instantly transforms.

This is the Rebirth of Healing.

Ultimately, it will be the rebirth of humanity.




The Ancient Practice of Wu Wei