““There is a very simple secret to being happy. Just let go of your demand on this moment.” ”
True peace and freedom marinate in a space of non-struggle.
This means letting life unfold according to its own wisdom and timing.
Of course the little ‘me’ inside…you know the one…the little tyrant who claims ownership of this life, will yell and scream that she needs to take the reins…grab hold of the wheel and steer the ship in the direction that it surely must go in.
But that little tyrant that lives inside is no more than a collection of conditioning; she is karmic.
She is the sum total of all of the unmet hurt, trauma, grief, despair, anger, rage, hopelessness and shame, that has yet to return home to its essence.
Her voice is not the voice of reason or wisdom.
When she rears her head, we have one choice. STOP STRUGGLING; even against her.
You can’t reason with a ghost.
So we let her be. We let her rage against the machine and get her zoomies out. We stand watch, lovingly, while she burns herself out.
Each of us has come here, especially at this time, to do something pivotal…radical, even.
We have come here to explore that space inside that is Effortless Being.
That space is the space of non-struggle. It relaxes into WHAT IS. It watches…lovingly. It places no conditions on the Self or the world. It accepts what comes and moves in effortless concert with the Universe.
It does not suppress.
It does not turn away.
It does not take itself to be in control.
It relaxes.
It all begins with the relationship with yourSELF. That’s the only place you could possibly start. Begin there.
Be unconditional with even the darkest parts of yourself…be unconditional especially with the darkest parts of yourself.
This is what you and I have come to be at this time.
This is the practice of the Divine.