Determining Your Current Life Cycle

Life appears in cycles. All of life, in fact. Seasons, moons, age, birth, death, up, down, new and old.

These cycles are intelligently baked into the cake in order to illuminate what is calling for your attention.

It is only when we resist our current cycle that we get stuck in that cycle - sort of like a washing machine that is stuck on the spin cycle.

You can determine your cycle easily by turning back around towards yourself and sensing into your energy.

Are you tired? Sick? Deflated?

Are you energetic? Joyous? Inspired?

Are you contemplative? Needing time alone? Vividly dreaming?

Depending on where you live in the world - which, like everything else in your life, has been intelligently designed - you might find yourself in the depth of winter. Although this cycle appears to be ‘outside’ of you, it’s not.

Winter asks us to come IN. It asks us to quiet down, eat some warming foods, sleep a little longer and get cozy.

Like attempting to swim upstream in a downstream current, we don’t get very far. This is the epitome of getting stuck. And we all know what it feels like to be stuck.

Little movement. Fatigue. Things don’t go well. Glasses get broken. Basements are flooded. The roof springs a leak.

The whole of life is one, giant, pulsing symbol and the symbols are everywhere. They are life.

When life feels off kilter it is because we have stepped out of the cycle that has been knocking at the door. At the very least, we are resisting what is here.

Not every cycle feels good, obviously. But let’s not mistake not feeling good for something is wrong.

That’s not possible.

What is life asking of you right now? Don’t think about this. The ego wants life to acquiesce to its agenda and is intolerant of anything else.

So we feel into what life is asking of us. We use our in-built intuition. In fact, we already know.

Meanwhile, Life utters, patiently, I’ll wait as long as it takes.

If quiet, rest and solitude are on the menu, can you boldly go where it is wildly and culturally unpopular to go? After all, rest and solitude are for the lazy ones, right?

No! Ignore that.

That quiet whisper inside of you is your earthly guide while embodied as a human. Sit with it. Let it speak to you through your senses, your dreams, your ‘happenstance’ meetings with strangers. It’s all here for you.

And know that every cycle is meant to come to an end. Every turn of the wheel comes in and goes out. So while it’s difficult while you’re in it, you must see it through to get to the other side. It will be all be met. That’s the agreement.

It - whatever ‘it’ might be at the time - can wait lifetimes for this reunion. But if it’s particularly gritty, why not meet it now? After all, once met, fully, it is always revealed as a deeper layer of love. Always.

Take a minute today. Feel into your cycle. Decide to meet it. Step in.

Surrender this chapter to its original author. Your Soul knows what to do. You can let go.


Nice Girl Syndrome


The Highly Sensitive Soul (In A Crazy World)