Living In the In Between

Here we are, living on the precipice.

The old way is clearly crumbling. A new way has not yet been born.

But we humans love to have a firm foundation underneath our feet, don’t we? We love to have firm identities, clear pathways, and certain - or at least expected - outcomes.

But now is not that time.

As always, the collective gets reflected in the individual. Many of us are feeling in between between timelines.

I wanted to offer some guidance for this particular wave that we are all riding.

If you are feeling like the old has crumbled, or is in the process of crumbling, and you are uncertain as to where you go next…pause.

This time of unknown is absolutely crucial to your evolution.

Yes, it’s uncomfortable. All growing pains are. We’ve shut many doors and nothing solid has opened in their place yet.

This is a time when there is so much going on beneath the surface. The deep waters are shifting, energetic upgrades are taking place.

This living in between realities is pregnant with possibility. But it must be seen through to its completion. This unknown space needs to be fully inhabited.

Because part of this new world that is currently under construction holds a crucial element to the entire structure.

This element is one that you have avoided your whole life.

It is so terrifying that there have been entire books, verses, courses and prayers set up around the avoidance of this one thing.

It is the last of your old world attachments that must go in order to walk the New Earth.

It is your need for control.

Ah yes…the dreaded C word.

Really, we are giving up only the thought of having control since we never really had any in the first place.

As awake Spiritual Teacher Byron Katie so aptly put it:

“If you want real control, give up the illusion of control; let life have you. It does anyway.”

Of course this does not mean we sit in apathy or resignation. Quite the contrary. It means to move intuitively through life, through Divine Right Action.

It is to cease and desist our insistence that life go the way we think it should go and, instead, let life lead.

But perhaps even more important than this…it is to finally, once and for all, let go of the one thing that has tormented you your entire life…

The fear that you have been somehow cast adrift. That you don’t really belong. That something is deeply, inherently wrong with you. That you are truly alone. That you are never quite enough.

This is what we finally lay to rest when we let go of the control that we never actually had. We let go of the entire psychic structure that lent itself to this obsessive need for control in the first place.

After all, one could only dream of controlling outcomes if one was somehow separate, in need of improvement, broken, abandoned.

Only in your imagined brokenness would you be desperately seeking to somehow undo it all, mitigate it, change it. 

But surely we are leaving behind this profoundly hopeless sense of separation; that everything here works in isolation. 

Like the tree works only for itself. Like the sun shines only for itself. Like each wave on the ocean only rolls for itself. 

Like any of this could be anything but a beautiful, horrible fiction. And that tale has come to an end.

So let’s be here together in this space of ‘no ground to stand on.’ Let’s let the old fall away (it didn’t work too well anyway, did it?). And before a new, truer foundation can form itself underneath our beingness, let’s see if we can let go.

Relax our grip on what we deem to be ‘our lives.’

Hand it over.

There is magic to be made in this space.

You are that magic.


Healing In The New Earth


Nice Girl Syndrome