Healing In The New Earth

A deepening Consciousness is swiftly underfoot. It is ushering in a new, seminal mode of healing.

A healing so revolutionary and simplistic that it has been missed by even the brightest minds this earth has ever seen.

Let’s set the stage.

You’ve got your stuff; your inner tormentors that follow you around day and night telling you what must happen!…what must be healed!…what must go away!

Ok…take a breath.

Unclench your jaw.

Allow everything within your body…within your experience…to be exactly as it is without trying to do anything with it.

All of these little gremlins that hang about inside of us are energy forms. They have a life of their own. Through the mechanism of early trauma, loss, betrayal, abandonment, abuse or just plain not enoughness, all of these life forms continue to persist as they are for very, very good reason.

And here’s the kicker.

They are not actually looking to be ‘healed.’

This may come as a surprise to the highly sensitive soul, to the healers of this world (me included), to the mind that is always looking to fix, make better or get rid of.

Every single life form within your experience is only looking for one, crucial thing.

To exist exactly as it is.

To be as it is, to feel as it feels, to express as it yearns to express.

The shame within you just wants the freedom to be totally ashamed.

The loneliness within you just wants to be free to be lonely.

The anxiety within you just wants to have the freedom to be completely and utterly anxious.

The sickness within your body yearns for the freedom to just be sick.

The anger within your system just wants the freedom to be angry.

There. I said it.

Do you feel the utter relief coursing through your veins as you read this? And do you know why you feel such relief?

Because when the truth meets the truth, it is completely relieving.

This, right here, is the unconditional love that we’ve yearned for our entire lives.

Your anger, your anxiety, your illness, your…fill-in the blank…does not want to be fixed. It does not want some shamanic-level sorcery…as cool as that may be.

It simply wants to be seen and held in its most primitive, ugliest, painful form. It wants to live out its existence AS IT CAME TO BE.

And, of course, here is the greatest of all paradoxes.

When the agenda is completely removed from our relationship with all of these life forms that exist within us, they transform all on their own. But they only do so once they’ve been given the freedom to be exactly as they are.

Now, if you say, “Oh! I’ve got it! I’ll go in with great love and then it will change!!”…the agenda is still there; it is still operating. It has slipped in the back door.

The life forms within you will see this…know this…and they will go and hide back in the corner. Why wouldn’t they? They’re still seen as a nuisance at best, and lethal at worst. They are still being targeted for a take-down.

What would you do if an innocent child came to you and said, “I feel so ashamed!” You wouldn’t relegate that child to her bedroom and tell her not to come back out until that unsightly shame has gone away. No. That would be cruel. That would be abusive.

But we do that to ourselves and call it ‘healing.’

All the stuff…all the grit inside of you is looking to be embraced….EXACTLY AS IT IS.

Otherwise, we run around trying to perfect our perfectionism…rejection our fear of rejection…shame our shame…abandon our abandonment.

Don’t you see? Under the guise of healing, we continue to hurt ourselves.

What if these life forms never leave you? What if shame was going to be a constant companion on this journey of yours? Would you keep fighting it? Denying its existence? Shaming it more? After all, this is what shame does. It hides. It tries to disappear.

True healing is the return to Truth. It is the return to Love. It is the open-hearted, full throttle embrace of the darkest corners of your soul.

Everything in the manifest Universe has the right to exist as itself. This is why it has come.

When all the fixing, healing and denying has exhausted itself, and it will, there will only be one place left to go.

Acceptance. Love.

Same thing.

In the surrender of WHAT IS, comes the revelation of what was always there, just underneath the so-called grit.

What was always there was Love in its many forms…with its many faces…beckoning you back home.


Being Yourself


Living In the In Between