Aligning With Your Purpose

If you are sensitive, intuitive, empathic…you will surely have felt the recent uprising of Consciousness.

The last several years have put us through our paces. We have seen the old fall away, the hidden revealed and all the while, we have been - whether we know it or not - creating the conditions for a new, more aligned version of ourselves to step up.

I have certainly felt this in the depth of my being. For me, this has primarily been about uprooting anything that has been suppressed and relegated to the margins.

It’s been about feeling all of it, without any judgement or need to fix or change, and getting out of the way of the Intelligence that moves through me…through everything.

It has felt turbulent and liberating all at the same time.

What has been most surprising to me is the realization that nothing has ever been wrong. It’s all Consciousness expressing itself and as such, it’s all been perfect.

What I used to see as flawed or deficient is just how Consciousness has been expressing itself. I’ve come to love the whole thing and I can’t tell you just how liberating that has been.

I know you too have gone through your own version of spiritual cleansing and I know it’s been a trip.

But at this current junction, we’re being asked a different question. That question is:

What have you come to do…and who will you be while you do it?

Resist the urge to come at this from thought. Thoughts arrange themselves around survival.

How do I get what I think I need? How do I feel important? How can I be acknowledged, loved, upheld?

Of course, these are innocent questions born of unconscious ideas that uphold the belief that we are separate from our Source.

This isn’t true.

This doesn’t even require ‘work’ or revelation because it is already true. You can leave it alone.

Rather, this question of ‘what have you come to do…and who will you be while you do it’ is more of an intuitive exploration. It is asked with great sincerity and then it is surrendered. If there is clinging, we recognize the clinging, or the need to know, and we release it.

It is released so that it can come back authentically.

It is also worth noting that it will be crucial, as we move forward, to let go of anything that is distracting us.

Old addictions, attachment to thought, incessant scrolling, mindless eating…whatever your vice is, ask yourself if you would be better served to release it. Perhaps you are and perhaps you aren’t.

But get good and honest with yourself.

To be a disciple of something literally means to cultivate discipline. This requires focus, attention and practice.

It’s time.

Step up. Step in. Clear your desk of all of the outdated papers and get to work. The world needs you.

YOU need you.

It’s time.


The Ancient Practice of Wu Wei


Being Yourself