The Thing That Would Make Everything Better

We’re all searching for that thing.

That thing that we’ve told ourselves that would be the thing that would make everything better.

Think for a minute about what it is that you battle the most. What is your achilles heel? What’s the pebble in your shoe that just won’t go away.

In our busy world where everyone seems to be an expert…where everyone has ‘just the solution’ for what ails you…there is so much noise.

Now, ask yourself: Has any of it ever really worked? Has any of it been the magical solution it promised it would be?

If we’re all honest, the answer is no.

In all of my searching, all of my honest, ardent and unending quest to heal what has ailed me, I only know of one true thing.

And that thing is Love.

I know it sounds trite.

Like, how can love fix your financial issues? How can love heal an illness? A broken trust? A broken world?

I have been incredibly fortunate in that I have had a number of transcendent experiences that opened a doorway to another world. A world that did not include earthly solutions.

Solutions like, therapy, diets, pills, jobs, relationships, a white knight, a book, money….anything that you can think of that springs up from this physical world.

These transcendent experiences were like parting the curtains of this physical world to reveal what was behind it all along.

One such experience INSTANTLY healed an emotional conundrum that I had tried everything to heal and the other experience healed a physical conundrum that seemed impossible to manage. Both, instantly.

The common denominator of both of these experiences was a breach of normal operations. A Divine Rescue Operation, of sorts.

In those moments, it was PURE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that interceded.

In other words, it wasn’t going to matter how much I did on this earthly plane to course correct. I could have toiled away for years, decades, lifetimes.

Until LOVE stepped in to - as my Mom would say - Cut The Capers, the dial was not going to move in any significant way.

Years ago, I was on a 10 day spiritual retreat in Ireland. The teacher told us something that I’ve never forgotten. It hit a nerve but I didn’t fully understand it at the time.

He said, “When you pray, don’t pray for anything in particular. Only pray for Love,”

I finally know what he meant.

How does any trauma seed itself into our psyche? How does any chronic illness take root and remain? How do we find ourselves constantly in survival mode?

Well, let’s follow the breadcrumbs here.

Something happens - usually in childhood - and then it becomes patterned into our Being. In fact, these two things - Pattern and Being - are not separate. Our Pattern IS our Being.

Because the Pattern is set into motion in childhood, we make a decision. This isn’t conscious, but a decision is made nonetheless.


As children, we are the centre of our worlds. It’s just the way it goes. So when the shit hits the fan, it’s always, somehow, our fault. This will be received as some kind of lack or inherent unworthiness or badness.

We come to believe there is something wrong with us on a fundamental level.

As this pattern is seeded and begins to create its own geometry, we will draw certain conclusions about ourselves.

Namely, that we are undeserving of Love. After all, if there is a fundamental flaw in the basic Being of our lives, love is automatically withdrawn.

We now have to earn that love. Make up for it. Barter for it.

And in comes the struggle.

So you see, the diet, the retreat, the crystal, the therapeutic modality, the exercise, the money, the partner, the fame…was never going to be the silver bullet. It was never going to be the thing that would make everything better.

When this is seen, when everything else has been stripped away, we are left with ONE THING.

And thank God for that.

Because it was only ever going to be this one thing anyway.

When all else fails - and it will - Love is there.

Waiting patiently for you.

So when you pray, pray for Love. Ask only for Love. Focus only on Love.

It is Love that is on the other side of your suffering.

It’s been waiting patiently for your return.


Getting Lost In The Woods


Redemptive Love