Redemptive Love

Every wound in our Being has, at its core, one commonality.

It is isolated.

It is hidden away in some interior locked room where no one can get in or out.

This is just how unmet wounds or traumas exist within us.

It begs the question of whether our greatest suffering is from ‘what happened to us’ or from feeling cut off from love; from this feeling of isolation and aloneness.

I’ve been doing healing work - as both a healer and receiver - for decades now. I’ve had some time and experience to see what moves the dial and what doesn’t.

One thing has become crystal clear to me.

Humans suffer at the hands of other humans. It is only in our perceived sense of isolation and aloneness that we could possibly hurt another.

There is no worse fate for a human being than being cut off from love.

Early studies show that even if a baby’s biological needs are taken care of - she is fed, clothed and napped - but she is not held, hugged or loved, then she will die.

We can confidently conclude, then, that love is necessary to our survival and our wholeness.

To paint an even clearer picture, you could go to someone who calls themselves a healer, knows a multitude of healing techniques and processes, but if they do not, themselves, open up to Love…actively bring forth an Unconditionally Loving Presence, then it simply will not work.

It was never about technique or skill.

It was only ever about Love.

Love is redemptive. It returns us to wholeness. It asks nothing of us but is willing to give us everything in return.

It is Unconditional.

If it is not, it is not Love.

There is only one thing in this entire Universe that is truly Unconditional in nature, and that is God.

It’s important to understand why.

God is BEING ITSELF. He therefore requires nothing because He is already complete.

There is nothing that you or I could give Him that would add anything to Him.

This is His Unconditional Presence.

Healing, then, is the active return to His Unconditional Presence.

But we’ll go anywhere but there.

We will exhaust every avenue but that one. And I’ve finally figured out why.

When a part of us hides away…encloses itself in the dark…it’s done so because it fears there is something inherently wrong with it.

We all walk around feeling a little bit guilty with no idea why.

Something bad happened…or a series of things happened that were not good…and something within us decided that we deserved it.

If that decision had NOT been made, we would have told someone. We would have shouted NO!! or we would have revealed the BIG SECRET.

But that’s not typically how wounding goes. We either do something regretful or something is done to us or something is withheld from us.

It’s always one of these three.

Either way, the wounding only enters the picture when it is believed that we somehow deserved it. That somehow we were not worthy of a different outcome.

The Glaring Light of God, then, becomes almost unbearable.

We say we don’t believe but underneath that statement, is terror.

We are terrified of Love because we feel undeserving; guilty.

Sooo…how do we get around this?

We take a leap of Faith. We dare to venture to the very Source of our Beingness.


We can trust that from there, we will know what to do; that we will be properly Guided.

That all of the parts of us can come out from hiding and step back into Love’s Light.

That is Redemptive Love.

That is true healing.


The Thing That Would Make Everything Better


The Control-Surrender Paradox