Your Unique Soul Stream

You’ve come here with an offering.

No one else on the planet has your exact same essence and therefore, your offering is entirely unique to you.

But let’s make some things very clear about how this works.

Your unique Soul Stream is just that; it is a stream of energy that is not personal. There is no ‘you’ at the centre of this stream.

We can think of the Soul Stream as a ray of sunlight. God or Consciousness is the epicentre and offers up seemingly infinite and unique streams of light.

We could call this your Life.

You’ve assumed, for so long, that you’ve come here to receive something. And ironically, that’s made you miserable.

You can admit it.

You’ve never actually hit the universal nail on the head and said, “Finally!!! I got what I came here for!”

That’s because that was never the setup here. You misinterpreted the game.

The truth of it is, you’ve come here to OFFER something.

You’ve assumed that unless you’re getting something out of it, that you couldn’t possibly be happy. But you’ve tried that and it’s never worked. Why?

Because there is no ‘you’ at the centre of this story. Not in the way you’ve assumed.

In order for ‘you’ to receive something - presumably to make you happy and fulfill you - you would have to stand apart as a separate individual; separate from the rest.

As an entirely separate entity, you would only ever be concerned about you. What you were getting, what you needed to avoid, how you would defend yourself, assert yourself, take care of yourself, be worthy of any of it, be deserving of what you want, try to parse apart what it is that you actually need, somehow get that, and then keep it coming.

How. Utterly. Exhausting.

Not to mention a bottomless pit.

I can’t actually think of a better recipe for suffering. Life would simply never be enough.

This is the narcissists manifesto. “I will do anything to get what I want, when I want it.” It is the tragedy of the commons.

Now…if we invert all of this…if we go from receiving - based on the assumption that you are a separate self that requires all of this stuff in order to survive, thrive and be happy - to offering, the whole game is changed.

In this paradigm shift, we tap into the wellspring that IS ALREADY HERE.

Because you ARE this wellspring - this Soul Stream - it is totally familiar and evident. But because you’ve been looking OUT, you’ve continued to miss it; overlook it.

But it is here all the time. It’s never not been here. It’s never not been YOU.

This wellspring requires no cultivation, only activation.

It is the activation of this Soul Stream energy that you’ve been looking for your entire life. You’ve just been looking in all the wrong places.

It’s okay, we all do it.

In order to access this - even that is a misnomer because you can’t access something that you ARE - but anyway…you will need to recognize certain things.

  1. Joy is its nucleus - So let’s define joy. It is an exuberance; an energy that is inexhaustible. It is exciting - which, when it is misunderstood or untapped feels like anxiety.

  2. It feels as natural to you as breathing. You’ve always known it. You were born with it. You wear it like a second skin.

  3. It might not be what you do for a living. Yet it will be the foundation from which you do EVERYTHING, including what you may do for a living.

  4. It will be revealed through relational living. This means that it can only be truly activated through the giving of it to others.

  5. It will only appear in steps. In other words, you can’t go straight to Step 10 before you enter into the very first step.

  6. It is accessed through your Intuitive Body. You can’t ‘think’ your way into and through your Soul Stream. It is a deep knowing and you will be reminded of this through your dreams, synchronicities and lightbulb moments.

  7. It will reveal itself in its own time. You can’t force this activation. You can invite it, yes. And I would say that if you are reading this and it is hitting a nerve, then it’s here for you now.

We’re in a moment on the planet where the switch has been flipped.

No more messing around.

What do you have to lose?


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