We've Had It All Wrong...

It turns out, you never had to earn your goodness.

You are inherently good.

We’ve been operating under a distorted psychological model for so long. We teach our children this, almost all self-help courses teach it; it is the underbelly for our humanity.

But there is no humanity - no grace - within this model.

It is the one that says you have to earn the goodness that comes into your life. That you have to be deserving of it. That we live in a cause and effect Universe.

What a tightrope to walk.

In this paradigm, everything is measurable. Every penny is counted. It is a tally system and YOU are the commodity.

What a crap way to live.

What if we’ve gotten all of this wrong? What if you’ve never had to earn a damn thing? What if you deserved goodness just because you existed?

In the old model, we see ourselves at the mercy of a Universe that is keeping score. That is watching, judging, marking, doling out proportionate responses.

It’s insane.

This old model presupposes so much. That, for one, you are separate from the rest of creation. That you are acting alone, on pure will and are subject to rewards and punishments.

The new model paints a totally different picture.

In the new model, we are NOT separate. We are a fragment of the hologram. In other words, although we feel separate, we are not. We contain the whole of the Universe in every cell of our Being.

We are actually ONE with everything.

As such, you are not cast adrift, fighting for survival in a dog-eat-dog world. That is only a perception that you have believed for so long, it has coloured your entire reality.

The nucleus of your Being is goodness. It is wholeness. It is innocence.

You’ve never had to earn the good things in your life. They’ve arrived not because you’ve done anything to deserve them, but because they’ve simply arrived.

The challenging things in your life have not been a response to anything you’ve done wrong.


They’ve been invitations to wake up from this dream that we all dream that says “I am over here, defending and asserting my will, and you are over there doing the same thing.”

The belief itself is punishing.

Look around your Life. Take in all of the goodness that is there. That goodness IS you. You are not the receiver of that goodness, you ARE that goodness.

You see it because you ARE it.

When this new model is embraced it changes everything. Things like worth, lovability, your place within the bigger Universe, all begin to soften into something new.

Something ancient.

Something Original.

You don’t need to understand this conceptually. In fact, you won’t so don’t even try.

Just step IN.

One of the best ways in which I know to hold this new reality - which is completely new for me - is simply sitting in gratitude for it all.

No matter what it is…the answer is always THANK YOU.


Coming Back Into The Light


Your Unique Soul Stream