Ancestral Restoration

Each generation has a colossal opportunity. It is the chance to heal a significant ancestral pattern.

You already know what your patterns are. They are the things that keep you awake at night. They are the things are you most afraid to admit; to speak of; to deal with.

These are the inherited ancestral patterns that we were born into; that wove themselves into our early experience and are still running around inside of us.

And yes, there are wonderful healing techniques out there that help to restore us to our authentic natures.

But until you do this one thing, you will be playing at this ‘healing game’ indefinitely. I know this from both personal experience and from working with now hundreds of clients over the years.


It is not so much a ‘healing’ of old, ancestral patterning, it is a dying to the old self. It is a SURRENDERING of what is no longer useful. Because, believe it or not, at one time or another, this old patterning served a very specific purpose. It was teaching you something.

It took you so far away from the light and the truth that you found yourself longing for something that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. This old patterning whispered in your ear that it would be money that would save you; or just the right relationship; or a better body; or the perfect career.

But it lied.

It was never going to be any one THING.

It was always going to be the death of the pattern itself. Which is much easier than trying to arm wrestle this pattern into a more perfected form.

Of course when it comes to matters of death, we’re all so squeamish. And we like what’s familiar.

Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.

We can’t seem to pull the plug on ourselves, so we must enlist help.

If you are earnest enough in your search for a true REBIRTH there is only one place to go.

Directly to God.

After all, he constituted this entire story. He narrated you, your ancestors, your patterns, your revival.

To do anything else is like trying to get the characters within a story to change themselves.

Not gonna happen.

The author must rewrite the script.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” - 2 Corinthians, 5:17

Last fall, when I fell to my knees and offered my EVERYTHING to God, I was shocked by what I was offered back.

I thought I would be told what to do, how to do it and that everything would be downstream of that.

I was thinking a certain dietary change, perhaps an exercise program…are you laughing with me right now?

Not that there’s anything wrong with that (and that guidance has come as a result of my greater surrender).

Here was The Instruction: Give yourself wholeheartedly to ME.

In the fine print were terms of this agreement. It was:

Die to your old self. Do that through Baptism into the Catholic Church. Be reborn.

Full stop.

It was made crystal clear to me that my way was no longer going to run the show.

Thank God.

I don’t know what any of this means yet. I have yet to be Baptised because, as I’m learning, that is process. I will begin this process in my local Catholic Church this fall and it will run through to the following spring.

Sometime next spring, I will be Baptised and will receive Communion (the body and blood of Christ) on the same day. That day I will both die and be reborn.

And again…to be clear…this was not my way. But it was the way that was given to me last fall.

So I guess you could say that I’m slowly dying these days.

It is a trip to continually offer myself up.

And yet - ironically - I’ve never felt more alive.

I’ve never felt this lit up.

It’s changed me already and it hasn’t even happened yet.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. As someone who has seen global revivals before they’ve happened, we’re on the precipice of something new here.

Something new and something ancient.

We will see many of you (billions of you) move towards a rebirth of a similar flavour.

I’m amazed at how people have responded to my story with their own story of either returning to faith after a long departure or coming to it new, like a newborn.

Was there going to be any other option at this critical time in history?

If you’re curious - even a little bit - I might offer you a suggestion.

Sit down in silence one morning and invite God or Jesus to come and sit with you. Not for any specific reason…just to sit with Him.

Invite Him into your Heart. Open yourself up. Hand yourself over…even just for a moment.

And see what comes of it.

It might be time for your own rebirth.


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