A New Guiding Light

This week in two separate energetic healing sessions with clients, I had the privilege of seeing something brand new in the Field.

In each of these sessions, a large star appeared about 4 feet above their bodies. It revealed itself as a Solar Star and said that it was a new access point for humanity at this time. But what was so astounding was what happened during these sessions.

This Solar Star exchanged energy with my clients in ways that I had not seen before.

It was both a receiver of old, outdated - and in one case, tremendously fearful energy - and a giver of new, clean, crystalline Light.

It was incredible to experience.

I was told that this Solar Star is available to anyone who is open to truth, light, and most especially, to Love.

Those that are willing to make Love their guiding light can access this pulsing light whenever they want.

So here are some insights into how we can move closer to this new magnificence.

Be willing to let go of how you think it should all go for your own life and the lives of others.

Surrender your ideas of what health, abundance, healing, freedom, joy, enlightenment, and peace should look like or how you can get yourself there.

Be willing to trust what comes knocking on the door of your Intuition.

Assume that the simpler, the better.

Know that it’s all closer than you think.

Just a breath away.

And above all else, Let Love Lead.


A “You” Centred World


The Greatest Unburdening