How To Align With Your Higher Self
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there." ~ Rumi
We are at a critical time on the planet. This time was foreseen thousands of years ago by the Wise. And now, it is here.
You have known, in your heart of hearts, what being here on this planet would entail. You excitedly signed up for this. You wouldn't have missed this opportunity to be on the front line of Consciousness.
As the polarization and battle in the 3D world rages on, there are a growing number of us who will play a very different role. There are millions of us who are simply here to stand in the Light of Being and to emanate that Light to everyone we meet.
This means, we hold no opinion, no judgment, no belief system, no sense of right or wrong. We simply ARE. We are indivisible from Source. We are Light itself and light needs to SHINE in order to cast out darkness.
What this means in the world of duality is that we agree to get clean and unwavering in our truth. We agree as Lightworkers, to leave behind the sitting in one camp or another.
In other words, any form of virtue signaling is left alone.
Having a stance, a cause, a fight, a judgment, keeps us in duality. It keeps us stranded in a world that never experiences peace. Because as long as there is a right way or a wrong way or a superior way or an inferior way, we will not move forward.
This is where the connection to our Higher Self becomes crucial, and this is so simple that we miss it.
It means meeting life, yourself, and everyone around you AS THEY ARE. It means accepting the present moment exactly how it is without trying to change it or create some future-based scenario that feels better to you.
If the present moment is painful, then we meet that. Fully. We say to ourselves, "Okay, this is what is here. I can accept that." It might feel gritty and it might feel scary as hell. But when we meet it without judgment (or at least without believing the judgment that our minds inevitably create), then it can pass.
Our Higher Selves stand in full presence of WHAT IS. They have no desire to change or manipulate Life. That is because at our truest level, we ARE Life.
This is the non-dual approach to a life lived in peace. It says, I am undivided from Life. In fact, I AM Life only appearing as a separate self.
If we are, in fact, life itself, there is nothing to condemn, fight or argue with. This is simply how Life is playing out at this time.
Your ego will rage and argue and try to reinstate its seeming importance. It will tell you that if you give up your opinions or stances that you will not be safe; will not be heard; will not be okay.
And yet we find the exact opposite to be true.
When I stop raging, arguing and asserting my importance, I meet Life exactly as it is unfolding without the need to change it or manipulate it or make it wrong or right.
What a relief!
This is what we are here for, at this time. We are here to stand peacefully in our Beingness. And we are to show the world what that looks like.
No more hiding in the cramped confines of our belief systems or judgments.
It is simply time to wake up.