THe Fiery sensitive
“The real warriors in this world are the ones that see the details of another’s soul. They see the transparency behind walls people put up. They stand on the battlefield of life and expose their heart’s transparency, so others can finish the day with hope. They are the sensitive souls that understand that before they could be a light they first had to feel the burn.”
The Fiery Sensitive. She is the deep feeler; the intuitive one.
She is also a fiery being. Full of beans…ripe with creativity and flare.
When she is young, her sensitivity reigns supreme. She feels more than she wants to.
She reads a room in under a minute and knows immediately who is safe and who is not. She reads eyes, faces, body language and begins to navigate her world through her gut; her strangely but highly tuned intuition.
She has cellular memories of a past long ago where ‘being herself’ got her into trouble; the worst kind of trouble.
She swears sometimes she can even smell the smoke of being burned. She remembers that simply being who she was, was worthy of persecution. So she learned quickly to subdue herself.
She mediates her truth in order to stay safe.
She pushes her fire down, down, down.
After all, it is a survival mechanism.
She says 'yes' when she means 'no' for obvious reasons.
The Fire in her sensitive belly grows and grows.
When it begins to consume her - in inflammatory conditions, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, gut issues and asthma - she wonders how she will ever emerge from this conundrum within.
Until one day she BURSTS. It's embarrassing, of course, but it was bound to happen.
And when it does, all of the pain in her body temporarily subsides.
That's weird.
She realizes the pain left because she let the fire out.
Her body got a reprieve.
Albeit, she burned someone else with it.
For a moment, rather than succumbing to her own burn, she acknowledged her anger…how not being true to herself has messed her up.
It is at this point that new life begins to burst onto the scene. A new tale is being written.
She begins to see where she has sacrificed herself and she owns it. They may have hurt her in the past; made unspoken deals with her - Her silence for their comfort - But she is a grown woman now. She no longer blames ‘them.’
Doing so, she knows in her gut, keeps her in a powerless position. If it’s always ‘their’ fault, she finds herself, once again, powerless. And this no longer works. So she owns it even more deeply.
She begins to speak up, say NO...she gets okay with the discomfort of disappointing others' in order to be true to herself.
The Fire now begins to burn in a productive, even Sacred way.
It fires up her creativity.
She realizes just how potent she is. She’s not like everyone else.
There’s an alchemical property to her…it’s why they tried to silence her in other lifetimes; sometimes in this lifetime.
She rages with a knowing, an intuition that sees through even the most masked souls.
She walks between worlds…this one and the less dense one.
She knows now why she’s been threatening to others’. But she’s no longer willing to dim her light or shut her mouth.
The Fire was always her friend. Perhaps more.
She just needed to figure out how to use it responsibly; with love.
It’s a new day.